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eine Seitwärtsbewegung von der Mittellinie weg. Sie geht immer mit einer Mediotrusion (Bewegung zur Medianebene) der anderen Unterkieferhälfte einher. 2019-12-01 · This laterotrusion is necessary to attain working contacts of 1–3 mm (Kerstein, 2015, Okeson, 2000), which are necessary for the proper grinding of food. The amount of protrusion that is necessary for proper cutting is largely dependent on the magnitude of the incisor overjet. The mean maximum laterotrusion in the children's group was 11.0 mm on the right side and 10.6 mm on the left side.


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Håll kvar din käke i detta läge tills jag gjort en mätning. E5B. å ä á é í ó ö ő ú ü ű []. Találatok * Funna ord. precurrent laterotrusion · iniciális oldalirányú rágómozgás [precurrent laterotrusion] · Kiejtés meghallgatása  Bilaterala knäppningar under gapning- och stängningsrörelser utan smärta. Bilaterala knäppningar vid laterotrusion och protrusion med smärta, smärtan känns  Vi har hittat följande tyska ord och översättningar för "laterotrusion": Engelska, Tyska.

This laterotrusion is necessary to attain working contacts of 1–3 mm (Kerstein, 2015, Okeson, 2000), which are necessary for the proper grinding of food.

Översättning Engelska-Tyska :: laterotrusion :: ordlista

[Relationships between occlusal guidance in laterotrusion and jaw relation]. [Article in German] Frömder B. This study was an attempt to clarify the relationships between antero-posterior jaw relations and lateral excursive patterns. The age of the 538 patients studied ranged from 12 to 30 years. Se hela listan på internetodontologi.se laterotrusion NATURAL JAW MOVEMENTS Protrusion and laterotrusion: The lower jaw’s physiological movements can be precisely performed with the xSNAP set to medium.

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Laterotrusion 4. · från LPn Levande Offer - This video is unavailable. Watch Queue QueueAuthor: trashy roxtar. Passar - passar  Laterotrusion resulterar i en ensidig sammandragning av den laterala pterygoida muskeln i motsatt riktning.


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Opening. Laterotrusion. Active Range of Motion. Retrusion. Protrusion   Fig 1 The occlusal compass radiating out from the fossa of a maxillary first molar: protrusion (black), laterotrusion (blue), lateroprotrusion (yellow),.

Lateroprotrusion is the spatial shift of the working condyle to the side and forward. Laterodetrusion is the spatial shift of the working condyle to the side and downward. laterotrusion NATURAL JAW MOVEMENTS Protrusion and laterotrusion: The lower jaw’s physiological movements can be precisely performed with the xSNAP set to medium. Definition, Synonyms, Translations of lateroversion by The Free Dictionary The distance of condylar movement in the X direction was correlated with the horizontal and sagittal inclinations of laterotrusion.
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Extensive functionalities for optimized workflows With the add-on module Auto Articulator, you can easily calculate excursive motions – taking into account your patient‘s digital impressions and predefined parameters.Simple user controls help you visualize the calculated movements in four standard directions: protrusion, retrusion, left laterotrusion and right laterotrusion. a trick of an amusing, playful, or sometimes malicious nature.